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Bringing about Meaningful Change - 2007
In 2007, after years of facilitating processes to vision and implement ‘progressive’ change, and continuously aiming to achieve better outcomes, I designed a paradoxical approach that has proved to be amazingly effective. It is based on ‘boldly lying about a change that one has implemented’ (that one has not, in fact, implemented). I repeatedly find that whereas visioning about ‘improved’ futures tends to be compromised by one’s accumulated (unhealed) psychological wounds, and vulnerability to current contextual limitations, this kind of ‘ bold lying’ invariably by-passes these undermining influences, and generates futures thinking that is closer to the participant’s ‘real’ (deep/core) values and priorities. Through questioning, these creative ideas are then connected to actual past initiatives, and next, doable steps are clarified and planned (in great detail); and a commitment is made re a meaningful ‘guaranteed’ (doable) first step to implementation. At subsequent meetings, progress is celebrated and any difficulties resolved.