Click to download Powerpoint presentation (21.8mb)
Social Ecology Alumni and Friends Talk - 2008
(presented at the Lawson Community Centre, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia; 5 April 2008)
This presentation was announced in our local newspaper (the Blue Mountains Gazette: as my ‘last lecture’ (at the time I was on long-service leave from the university and preparing to retire). Most attending were Alumni of the Social Ecology postgraduate programs at the University of Western Sydney (, plus friends and local residents. The topic was my 10 Common ‘Mistakes’ to Avoid, & ‘Needs’ to Meet, When Seeking to Create a Better World (also available at this site as a shorter PowerPoint presentation). This was written in response to the Commonwealth Government’s announcement of the Australia 2020 Summit in Canberra (19-20 April, 2008: It also covered my version of a Social Ecology approach to understanding the state of the world, and how we might go about improving things. The lecture was followed by a workshop designed to enable participants to focus on meaningful personal projects and their implementation.